J - June - Juniper

purr/purrs/purrself, co/coa/cocoa

My pronouns.cc (for terms of address and full pronoun set).
My identity list
My true name

I am many things, I have been many things, but most of all, I am me. Polytherian, holothere, and tiny.
Current location: someone's pocket.

Out of the Walls

3 inches tall, what's a borrower to do...

Am I Borrower Folcintera?
Size Labels

From Fur to Feathers

Writings of a physical polytherian and alterhuman

Not Physical Enough
Compound Eyes
On "Humanity"
My Holothere Experience

On Gender and Species

Wait...they aren't the same thing?

My Gender is Their Gender
Gender Rundown
A Bird's View of Colour


Fewer words travel further

i hope
all paths lead to now

"Desire me here and dismiss the west! But desire to reach the west when your body is buried. I will alight when you become weary, and then we'll make harbour together." Dispute between a Man and his Ba