Humanity as a concept has little to do with me, because it is in itself anthropocentric. I am talking about humanity in the sense of "human nature, have some humanity, humane treatment" not being Homo sapiens.
People often see things like language, empathising, being sapient as human traits. But those are neutral behaviours that any being can have. It only feels like "humanity" because humans only have one lens. We have no proof of alien life yet. Humans also tend to see different manners of communication that animals exhibit as lesser.
This left me feeling like I must be a little human, because an animal is a dumb furry lump right?
My identity and humanity
I believe I get my sapience from being a borrower (AKA otherkin), and ferality from being an animal. I experience changes in cognition when in a full-feral form.
My view of what is animal is different to normal. What I call being socially/culturally human involves knowing how to live in human society. It has a lot of overlaps with social rules and communication rules (probably why those who can't pick up those traits feel inhuman). I can live as a human, but I'm not one.
I act similar to them because I have sapience and intelligence too. Just as a dragon or elf might. That is my "humanity".